New Windows server offer, with the best value for money

scritto da Denali

il 5 June 2023

In the ever-changing world of business, choosing a reliable and scalable server is critical to ensuring successful business operations. Servers based on Windows Server are a popular and established choice for many businesses because of their wide range of features and the comprehensive support offered by Microsoft. In this article, we will explore the merits of Windows Server-based servers and how they can contribute to the success of your business.

  1. Reliability and stability: Windows Server is known for its reliability and stability. Its robust architecture and high-level design ensure continuous availability of business-critical services. With features such as failover clustering, fault tolerance and the ability to handle high-intensity workloads, Windows Server-based servers provide a reliable platform on which to base business operations.
  2. Advanced Security: Security is a top priority for any organization. Servers based on Windows Server offer a wide range of advanced tools and features to protect enterprise data and resources. With Windows Server’s integrated suite of security tools, you can implement access policies, encryption, multifactor authentication and more to keep your company’s sensitive data safe.
  3. Scalability and flexibility: Servers based on Windows Server offer significant scalability and flexibility to meet evolving business needs. Whether you are a fast-growing business or an established organization, Windows Server allows you to expand server resources efficiently and seamlessly. With features such as virtualization, centralized management, and resource scheduling, Windows Server-based servers fit the needs of every enterprise.
  4. Integration with the Microsoft ecosystem: A great advantage of servers based on Windows Server is their seamless integration with the Microsoft ecosystem. Thanks to this synergy, you can take full advantage of the functionality of Microsoft products such as Active Directory, Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft SharePoint. This integration simplifies management, improves collaboration between departments, and enables a consistent and intuitive user experience.
  5. Professional Support from Microsoft: Microsoft, one of the world’s leaders in technology, offers comprehensive professional support for servers based on Windows Server. With top-level technical support, regular security patches, and ongoing updates, you can be sure you have the support you need to keep your server environment secure and up-to-date

We have now integrated a complete new line of Windows Server-based products, starting at only 33.90euro/month (Windows license included). Find out about servers here, and contact us if you need more information.

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