New year, new free template!

scritto da Denali

il 5 January 2023

The new year means very important updates on the templates available with our Website Builder! If you are looking for an inexpensive but powerful online website generation system, you are sure to find the template for you with us. All the templates provided are responsive, that is, perfectly visible regardless of the device with which they are viewed. You will also have all the necessary functionality without the need to install any plugins.

Create a valuable online presence

You can add advanced features to your website such as: image gallery, contact-module, multi-language, ability to sell products online, all in one package. With no hidden costs. Without plugins, and without having to worry about continually updating your software. All pages are automatically optimized for SEO indexing of your content, plus you have all the tools you need to set up metadata for your pages and media.

Freedom to try, no limits

Design, create and develop sites of the highest quality. With our block designer, you don’t need any technical expertise. You see right away what you’re doing. No programming required.

View some templates and try the free demo

You can try the demo from this link, or get started right away with the extended premium version. If you need more information, contact us! We are at your disposal.

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