Increasing the profit of the webagency through the hoster

scritto da Denali

il 3 November 2022

If you are the head of the sales and administration department of a webagency you have probably thought about how to minimize the technical costs of your agency in order to increase your profit. Technical costs are in fact the heaviest costs of those who sell websites and webmarketing, because they prevent the profit to increase.

Less technical management costs

Getting rid of the costs of technical management, consulting and support, generates a significant increase in the net profit of the agency webmarketing or webdesign. In fact, the biggest pitfalls of those who make webdesign are precisely the requests for assistance regarding system issues (website down, malfunctioning mailboxes etc etc etc).

But how to do not have staff that deals with this and at the same time keep customers happy and satisfied? The solution is definitely to delegate the technical systems to a hosting partner that has a customised technical support department dedicated to its resellers. In this way every technical aspect (from service continuity, to optimization and security consulting) is managed by the hosting partner allowing a great saving in costs and therefore a considerable increase in profit.

The right choice for the webagency

The choice of the only suitable hosting plan can not be the only prerogative. The aspects to consider are basically the following:

  • hosting plan suitable for the site you want to build and manage (for example a Linux plan optimized for wordpress)
  • servers direct management by the hoster (not that the hoster is in turn reseller of some other hoster, because this worsens the performance and the effectiveness of the assistance)
  • technical ability of the hoster, with highly qualified systems engineers on site and online on the servers
  • direct management of the hosting machines and SAN data storage systems
  • dedicated ticket system with which to assist the hoster directly on issues that concern the end customers
  • ticket system active 24h 7d
  • Integrated reseller order management panel with list of customers, prices, deadlines, invoicing and integrated ticket system
  • Comprehensive technical management panel to be able to control every aspect of hosting, website, PHP versions, databases and mailboxes
  • technical advice provided by the hoster also for customer improvements and innovations. In addition, maximum assistance with regard to security

The company Denali, is active both as a hoster and as a technical consulting company system on its servers and is operational with numerous resellers to which it provides maximum technical assistance for their customers in order to increase the economic performance of the company webdesign and customer satisfaction. The resellers of Denali, in this way, get revenues increased by 1/3 compared to the use of hosters without technical assistance dedicated to the reseller. Request information about the reseller plan that includes, discounts on plan purchases, dedicated support, technical systems consulting and everything you need to increase the profitability of your web design or web marketing company.



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