Find out why to switch from Dropbox to Safelocked/Nextcloud

scritto da Denali

il 3 November 2022

Private storage Safelocked/Nextcloud is the best way to store your documents online securely, affordably and privately. You alone have access to your documents, wherever you are.


Safelocked/Nextcloud is an open source file hosting and collaboration service. It allows users to access their files from anywhere, share files with other users and integrate their Safelocked/Nextcloud server with other services and devices via applications. Users can install Nextcloud themselves on a server, on a cloud service or use our Safelocked/Nextcloud managed installation. With the upgrade to version 10.0 of Safelocked/Nextcloud, you can migrate data from your Dropbox account to your Nextcloud account. The migration process is fully automated and does not require any manual operation by the user.

Safelocked/Nextcloud is a private cloud storage solution. At the heart of Nextcloud is open source server software that allows you to host your own cloud storage service. Unlike Dropbox, Google Drive and other similar services, you have control over your data and can store it on your own server. This is an important advantage: in case your third-party service is turned off, your data will always remain available and protected from unobtrusive eyes.

Disadvantages of Safelocked/NextCloud over Dropbox

Assisted Migration If you are looking to move your data from Dropbox to Safelocked/Nextcloud, we can help. Our team of experts can migrate your data with minimal impact to your operations. We will perform a thorough assessment of your current setup and prepare a plan on the steps needed for the migration.

Once the migration is complete, the entire data migration process is fully automated and does not require any manual steps on your part.


We hope this article has provided you with an informative look at the benefits of moving from Dropbox to Safelocked/Nextcloud. Private storage from is the best way to store your documents online securely, affordably and privately. Contact us to learn more about our migration services and to schedule an appointment with one of our migration experts.

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